Saturday, 23 February 2013

Interesting work

Sculpture Colouring - Reference Hunting

Currently sculpture is at a stage whereby I can start colouring them already, images have been taken and will be posting them up soon.

For now, check out this website

I like the way he paints his colour onto the sculpture, simple yet eye-catching. And the size of his sculptures are big, therefore leaving his enough space to carve out almost every single little details. Awesome work

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Visual Experimentation Progress

After Critique Session

After the last critique session on the sketches for my sculptures, feedbacks that I received was:

1. Human Characters are being too normal and confined, in a way that I am just limiting my thoughts of a human character should look just like an average, normal looking human being

2. From a 2D sketches to a 3D sculptures, that is one challenge that I need to work them out

3. Time limitation, due to my lack of experiences and skills in clay sculpturing, improvement on the visual outcome can be done but not within a short amount of time, therefore at the moment, I am still exploring methods to produce my sculptures in the best outcome possible.

So I went online and check for interesting sculptures design and this is what I have stumbled upon.

Salao Coboi referred his characters to creatures, but the interesting part is that he got his inspirations from high end fashion images or catwalks.

Personal thoughts: 
I think that the reason he did in characters in such a way is because perhaps he does not go along to the method of perception that fashion designers perceive their models should be like, like the usual cutting edge kind of look, therefore he came out with a grotesque, creature kind of appearance to grab audience's attentions. Maybe this is the emotional thoughts that he wants people to "feel" from his works. 

Reflecting back to my feedbacks, I think in my character making, this is what I am lacking of. From the idea/ concept that I came up with, I should do my characters in a way that not just the colour mood that gives people the emotion, but through my character designs, people can feel the emotion of the personality that will be portray in my 5 sculptures. 

Busy Holiday

Have yet to update for quite some time now...

It's been a while since the last update, this is due to the pain of having holiday at the peak moment of our semester haha, no doubt things still had to keep moving forward. Another reason why it took quite some time to update is because I had certain issues with my visual experimentation, and I am still working on it, will post the images up soon.

I do think that Marta Dlugolecka is quite an inspiring artist for myself as she also does clays for her illustration works (I seriously did not think that people nowadays still uses clays as part of an illustration piece, my bad :{ ), and I really do love her choice of colour moods and art style. Kept me motivated all day long!